About us

We began with a single treehouse rental in Oxford, UK, and Checked.In was created to address the issues and pain points we identified through our own journey in hospitality. We developed the software because it's what we needed: a digital guest manager to help us improve the customer experience while simplifying our day-to-day, but we developed the brand because we wanted to help others.

Checked.In is the second brand from parent company, Cool Escapes, which began as a way to market the Oxford treehouse. As we learned the ropes and discovered gaps in the market, our first brand was launched in 2018, which became a viral Instagram brand, @TheCabinLand (1.2M followers), that reaches millions of cabin lovers every month. Wanting to make this an accessible space for other property owners, we began to branch out in 2021 to provide marketing services and industry-specific software solutions to properties around the globe!

We understand this market because we're a part of the community. In creating Cool Escapes and our associated brands, we aim to serve the niche and help vacation rentals flourish within the short-term rental market, which is currently underserved by major aggregators like Airbnb, Booking.com, and VRBO.

As of 2024, we have a foothold in 46 US states, 5 UK regions, and various EU countries, and we're working hard to grow our footprint because no matter what, there's room for us all!

Are you a property owner looking to grow your bookings?

Let's grow your occupancy and earnings and improve your guest experience.